Sunday, May 6, 2012

Competent Communicator

After carefully thinking about the characteristics of a good communicator, I chose my friend, Tarneca. I think that Tarneca is a great communicator because the type of person who listens to the person that she is speaking with, whether she agrees with them or not. She also maintains eye contact in the middle of a conversation to show the other person that she is being attentive to what is going on or what is said. Another thing that she does is she doesn't entertain any negativity. There are some people who try to invite her to conversations that are not productive to anyone involved (gossip); she is very subtle and polite when she maneuvers around the negative conversation. I think that these are things that I need to learn to become a great communicator because unfortunately, I find myself being very snippy when people try to invite me into negative talk about something or somebody else. I don't have a poker face. I am very animated when I am bored out of my mind of listening to someone else. It would be nice to pretend that I am a great communicator but I am not. I know that there are things that I have to and need to work on in order to be successful in and outside of the classroom.


  1. Thank you for your honesty about your listening and communicating. I get bored listening to long involved stories about other people who I don't know. I always wonder if others are better listeners when it comes to these things.

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    Your friend display great qualities on effective communication. Where I work people feed into negativity all the time, that it normally wears off on everybody! I consider myself a loner at work because I do not interact with many people. they normally are just waiting for someone to make a mistake so they can laugh and gossip about that person. ?Thanks for sharing the ways your friend displays effective communication

  3. I agree that the feeling that you get from someone that he/she is truly listening is so key to communicating positively, and you can perceive that caring tone from so many different communicating skills. As you said eye contact is certainly one of the biggest portrayals of care and active listening with holding a conversation. That's definitely a skill that I work on as I realize how much it makes a difference when talking to someone who does it well that I want to make sure that others feel that way about me.
