Sunday, November 6, 2011

Professional Blog On Early Childhood Issue/Website That I Chose To Follow

When I first read the assignment, I was thrilled to be given the task because it allowed me to reach out to other professionals who were skilled in an area (early childhood professional. Since I am a newbie in the field of early childhood, I knew that these people whom I contacted would be an asset for me and to me on my journey. I am not sure if I took the right steps but the results, I believe, will prove to work out in my favor. For the website or professional organization to study, I chose the Arlington Alliance of Early Childhood Professionals. Sometimes, we look to places further from home to do research on but the truth of the matter is, there are professional organizations in neighboring states as well that are doing things totally different than what we are doing in our area. This one is in Texas. As for the steps that I took to find this particular site, I heard about it from a friend. She is a member and she recommended it to me. I email them and left my contact information. I am waiting on a response from them.

The person I decided to blog with is Laura Bornfreund. Her platform is found under the New America Foundation. The one thing that captured my attention from this site was the title of the latest blog. The title was "The State of Preschool: Comparing the U.S. to Our International Competitors." I read some of the posts that were made and it seemed to be posts that were worthy of a response. Furthermore, I began to read her credentials. She is a policy analyst for New America's Early Education Initiative. She analyzes early education (birth to grade 3) studies and policies, researches and writes original policy papers, and contributes to this blog on a regular basis but the main factor for my choosing is the fact that she used to be a fourth grade teacher. I think that teachers are the ones in a better position to say what a child needs as far as education is concerned. I am angry that sometimes people who haven't been in the classrooms are making decisions that govern education. I have set up a feed to this blog.

My step to finding Laura was powered by Google. This computer mechanism is a God-send.

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