Saturday, October 15, 2011

my supports

I have many supports such as my family and friends. These people are important to me because I would cease to exist without them. My life is what it is because they have shown love and they have taught me how to love. I think the other supports that I have are materialistic. The two biggest materialistic supports that I have would be my cell phone and computer. I label them as supports because my cellphone is my life line to those who are miles away. Mt computer is important because it is where I complete my work for class. I am behind on my work now because my computer is down so I am submitting my work via phone.


  1. Liz,
    Isn't technology wonderful? I am totally lost when my computer goes down. I also am grateful for friends and family that have shown me love.

  2. Liz,
    I know how it feels to be behind because of not having access to my computer. I too have had to rely on phone! I didn't think to add my phone or computer as support because I was only thinking physical/emotional support but technology support is huge especially to get our work done! Thank you for a great post!

