Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week 8 Blog

This course has made me reflect a lot about my plans for the future and on those that I hope to come in contact with. For the most part, I hope to become someone who is more collaborative in my efforts to serve the families of "all" students regardless of their color or background. I hope to somehow include the parents in daily activities that involve the child so that the parent, teacher and student can interact on a one-on-one level. Not only that, but I am grateful that I got a chance to work with a group of students/professionals who were able to share insight into the discussions and the blogs. I appreciate you all and I hope to work with you again.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post! Before learning the term "anti-bias education", I felt many of the same ways as I do now. I wanted children to feel accepted and valued for their individuality. However, the difference is that now I have learned stratgies to help myself and others grow in regards to anti-bias atmosphere. Great post!!
