Saturday, November 10, 2012

Week 2 Blog for (Course: EDU 6990-6)

The three organizations that appeal to me would be the Red Cross, the Literary Council, and Habitat for Humanities. I chose each of the three organizations for the same reasons and those reasons are that they seek to help those in need within the community. These organizations have been around for a while, yet many people aren't familiar with them because there are just actually people out there who haven't given/donated to these types of places. The job opportunities that I am interested in would be a social work, a case manager, and a sociologist. The skills that I would need in order to be competent at these jobs would be the fact that I would have to be a people person, be willing to go make myself visible within the community, be a good communicator and be proactive when it comes to providing assistance to those involved. The three jobs that I have listed doesn't seem to be ones that make a lot of money in my area, but money isn't my driving force--I honestly love working with children and families. These are three jobs that will fulfill that interest.

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