Saturday, August 11, 2012

In Response to Harro's Cycle of Liberation

As I was reading Harro's Cycle of Liberation, I wanted to explore the self-love aspect of the cycle because I do believe that before we can properly love anyone--students, friends, or significant others, we must first learn to love ourselves. This is a must. The poem that I have listed below is one that was inspired by all of the natural, African-American women out there who have liberated themselves and are not living inside of their own personal jail cells which can include their hair, high fashions and what other people consider to be beautiful. I got my permed hair cut off and I have only been natural for about a month but I love it. The poem is called "Hair Chronicles." Here it is: With every clip of the scissors, I feel myself growing weak. Weakness radiating from outside in, My tears provide solace after this event is over. On my golden locks, I can no longer depend. It feels that I have lost a piece of me. One essential piece--without it, I can no longer function. Looking within myself for an answer, No answer will come so I sink into a depression. My hair used to be my life, I think, as I try to find a new form of expression. I run my fingers through my little fro. And I become excited about my curls, I wonder, if this is what acceptance feels like When a misfits finally succeeds at joining forces with the popular girls. I smile inspite of all that has transpired. I am no longer bound to what I thought beauty was. I am beautiful. I am admired. I am a work of art--One that seeks to inspire

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