Saturday, December 24, 2011

Consequences of Learning About the International Early Childhood Education Field

Before taking this course, I wouldn't have dreamed of doing the research into other cultures to find out how they conduct their early childhood education field. Now, I would like to think that I am well-informed of some of the countries standards and traditions. The consequences that I have formulated are ones that are positive. Some of the positive consequences that I see that has the capacity to influence me personally and professionally would be the following: Knowing about other cultures has allowed me to become more culturally sensitive, I am also more empathetic to the needs of those who are impoverished and I see the value of just being informed--sometimes we are ignorant to those things around us because we are not informed.

The goal that I have made in response to the international early childhood education field is to continue in my quest to become more informed on those things dealing with education. Although the United States is a little more different in the treatment of education and children, I think that we can learn a lot from other countries. It also helps us as teachers to become more sensitive to the needs of others--so that we may see everyone that crosses our paths as human beings rather that puzzle pieces or pawns in the game of life.


  1. I made the same goal in regards to international resources. I think that having knowledge about other parts of the world broadens our understanding of the field of Early childhood education.

  2. ALthough I have not made any international contats in reading web articles and podcasts, I too have gained more sensitive to the needs of not only children in the Unites Staates but broad.

  3. The United States is very different than other countries in their approach to education. In some countries we are behind and in others we are far ahead! Learning about international education has opened my eyes as to how those differences impact our world! thanks for a great post!
