Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Experience with Microaggressions

I have had a few experiences with microaggressions but they haven't been that many. One incident in particular that stands out at the moment would be the time that I was sitting in a college classroom completing a test. The following day, the teacher was able to grade the test and hand it back to us and this Caucasian, young woman looks at me and says, "How did you make that?" I was proud of my grade but this woman made me feel that there must have been something wrong because my grade was better than hers. It was as if people think that African-American women (in particular) aren't capable of excelling in the field of education. Having this experience makes me not want to ever subject my students to anything of this nature which is why I am mindful of the words that come out of my mouth.


  1. Liz,
    It is hard to have people say things to us that are hurtful. You are right the more I learn about microagressions the more I have been aware of how I say things and how I plan to listen and find ways to make others more aware.
